Thursday, June 21, 2007

To God Be the Glory!

"Freely you have received, freely give.", Matt. 10:8. Those words stood out to me as I was reading on the plane heading to Peru. I was looking forward to helping at Hannah's Home and loving on the kids in Peru. That turned out to be easy to do, the kids and the adults are very open and responsive to being loved on and to loving back. It was easy to freely tell the children "Jesus te ama", "Jesus loves you" because they easily received it. They really wanted to be a part of what was going on. The crowds of kids at VBS would start out small then you would look up and around and the group had grown to over one hundred. I will never forget that.

I loved being a part of a group that connected so freely with the children and adults in Peru. We worked hard together, and laughed and talked together. I saw many beautiful hearts that week. It was powerful to hear God's word preached in a foreign lanauage I did not understand but when translated we nodded in agreement. Even the language barrier could not stop God's unifying truth. He is HUGE. It was awesome to hear the same pastor declaring his own desire to reach the mountain people of Peru with God's message of salvation. He needs help. God will send it. I would love to return and be a part of investing in people. The harvest is very ripe in Peru. They are beautiful people, I was blessed.

There are so many funny little stories I hope you hear. Ask someone! Hannah's Home is beautiful and has a wonderful future. Thank you for your financial support, well wishes, and prayers. They helped to encourage us, helped to strengthen us, and helped to make us effective witnesses.

To God Alone Be The Glory,

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