Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Children Of Peru

We got arrived at our hotel this morning at 3am. After 4 hours of sleep we had a quick breakfast and set off on a 45min drive to church. We were all very tired and wishing we were back in bed, until all the children came in. As soon as they saw us they ran to us, giving us big hug, jumping into our laps, and greating us like we were old friends. The children stayed with us all day.

After the church service, we took the children to lunch. There was a large playgrownd there and we all had a blast hanging out and playing with the children. They are so loveing and friendly. They love having their pictures taken.

After lunch we went to the orphanage were the children lead us by the hand to show us were they slept, where the go to school, and where all the animals. They also danced for us to the song "Every move I make", in spanish. It was so beautiful.

We had so much fun with the children today. I don't think I've ever felt more welcome anywhere then I have today. We are all so tired, but it is very worth it. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Savannah <><

1 comment:

RuthEllen said...

I hope you have an incredible experience in Peru. What a great opportunity and I hope this is something that you will never forget. I missed you in the Band yesterday.
Tell Corbett Hi for me.