My name is Lisa Pierce, I'm 52 and the oldest person on this mission. What is a BLOG? Apparently it's writing what happen today. But I relly need to start by telling you about my roommates Becky Warren and Lisa Guier, don't tell them I told you but they have been the cause of 4 major black outs, the last one just happened. Remember don't tell them I told they might kick me out of our room. Really we are getting along great, we all know to flush, pick-up after ourselves and we share well together. It seems if one of us forgot something one of us has remembered it. Lisa seems to be so quiet, but I have seen a beautiful caring side to her and she is very funny, who knew? Becky also seemingly quiet, not so much. Just kidding Becky. They both have a beautifly heart and a love for the Lord that shines through when they are hugging on a child.
I know I am suppose to share what happened to me but I am going to tell you what God has Revealed to me about my brothers and sisters of Gateway Church.
1)Allyson Abbott came on this trip with an open and willing haert to serve the Lord.
2)Kevin Guier has a kind and compassionate heart for the young and the old.
3)Larry Thurn (Master Painter) has a heart of Gold and the patience of Job. (Laci, Larry ask me to tell you itwas NOT him that got in trouble for being in the ocean)
4)Mike Stiles talks tough but his heart is soft as a teddy bear. He loves all of us and the people of Peru.
5)Cristi Valdivia loves life and loves to laugh, her laughter is contagious. And her smile is the light of the Lord.
6)Ray Valdivia has a quiet spirit with a willingness to serve the Lord in any way he can. (even carry all the womens back packs)
7)Mandy Tipton God has given her a strong spirit and it makes her willing to stand up an do what is right, in the Lord.
8)Pat and Lee Anne don't just help people see better but they want to help people see Jesus.
9)Corbett sees things in ways none of us would think to look. He sees God through a lense, in a leaf or in the face of a child.
10)Emily Tipton has the gift of encouragement and a sweet spirit. And she loves the children.
11)Savannah has a beautiful spirit inside and out, when she sings joy and celebration to the Lord fill the air.
12)Dawn Butler is not just my pastors wife. She truely loves the children and wants them to see Jesus in all that we do in VBS. I belive they did.
13)Scott Sterling shows joy on his face and supplies all of us with laughter. It shows that he loves the Lord.
14)Ben has a quiet spirit, but a boldness in serving the Lord by loving the children.
15)Jana Hinton has a soft willing heart she loves spending time with the children.
16)Matt Marble he is a warrior, strong and steady of heart for the Lord.
17)Adri Marble never complains she has a willing and loving heart for the children and in everything she does.
18)Dave (The funny man) not only does he make us laugh, he is loving and caring with the children.
19)Emily Armstrong WOW she has such a heart for God. God has blessd her with a joy of service and a love for people of all ages.
I will share one blessing I recieved today. I was painting finger nails (400 big fingers and 200 ittle fingers) as I was finishing up for the day I was painting some little girls nails and of corse the little boys wnted to watch. I had just finished with the next to the last girl and all the sudden I felt two little arms wrap around from my back, it was one of the quiet little boys (Jose- it was also his birthday today) that God sent to me to give me the best hug I've ever had. (sorry Dennis) Tears ran down my cheek as I thought how good my God is, he knows even when we need a hug. One last thing to my friend Terry, the bibles have been such a wonderful blessing thank you so much for your help. OH! YEAH! Mandy I was up on a ladder painting you would of been so proud of me. Jeremy give my daughter and grandson a kiss. To all my friends and family that are and have been praying for me I love you guys. God has truely blessed me in this mission.
Thanks for listening, Lisa